Message from Chairman


Dear Shareholders,

 On behalf of the Directors I convey our gratitude to our customers, our suppliers, our employees and the shareholders of the Company for their support, cooperation and trust that have been the core of our strength all the way.

The second surge of the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted life and affected livelihood. Our employees bravely faced the challenge and went ahead with their jobs, maintaining full precautionary protocol as recommended by the Govt. There had been some casualties and we respectfully remember our brave colleagues who have displayed courage in facing the ordeal. As a result of their sense of responsibility we have been able to serve our customers maintain our premium earnings and profitability.

Dear Share owners, we are now facing another crisis which may be even more challenging than the pandemic, particularly on insurance industry. These are events beyond our controls and we have to be prepared for the consequences. We look forward to your understanding and support. You will notice that our profitability has improved. I hope you will also like our dividend policy. We shall look forward to your observations and suggestions. It is through a free and frank communication at the AGM that we can conduct the business to your satisfaction.

Your management and the Board will do their best in trying to fulfill your expectation and maintain our position as a leading insurance Company of the country.

With warm regards,

Syed Nasim Manzur
